Aloha Friday, New York City!

Happy Aloha Friday! This time next week, this is where I'll be! I'm going to NYC! I'm going to my 3rd BlogHer, and I'm extra excited this year because my youngest daughter is going with me. It's her first trip to NYC. Sha has always wanted to go to New York and I can't wait to share it with her. We plan to do a lot of walking, a little shopping, and a whole lot of eating!

It's Aloha Friday, and my last day at work before going on vacation! Happy dance!!! So the question of the day is:

If you could take someone some place they've always wanted to go, who would you take and where would you go?

Have a wicked fabulous day! Make sure to head over to An Island Life for more Aloha Friday fun.

♪White light, strange city, mad music all around♪ (Def Leppard)

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