Disney Big Hero 6 Movie is the New Superhero Movie for Everyone to Love!

Disney's Big Hero 6 opens in theaters today. You may be thinking "meh, so what". You may have seen some trailers and thought "eh, I'll wait to rent it", or maybe you think "eh, I'll see it if I have time". Well, MAKE TIME! GO SEE THIS MOVIE! Big Hero 6 is seriously an awesome movie for everyone!

I'll admit that just from seeing the trailers, I wasn't so sure about it. I thought the big puffy marshmallow looking robot guy looked cute, but I just didn't get it. I didn't see this being a Disney movie that many could relate to, but...then I saw it! Wow! It is a really good movie! It is funny. It is sweet and caring with big heart. It has memorable characters and a relatable story line. It truly has everything.

The story is basically an origin story for a group of unexpected superheroes. Hiro is a 14 year old genius who is basically bored with no direction in his life until his older brother and his group of science "nerds" show him all the great things he can be doing with science. He is inspired to invent something to change the world for the annual robotics competition. Something goes wrong, a villian appears, and thus there is a need for superheroes to save the world!

Not only is this movie fun, and funny, but it also shines a bright light on science. It shows boys and girls that it's okay to be a "nerd". It's okay to like science and math, to be a quirky and different. And, it shows that you don't have to be big and strong to make a difference in the world.

I love what Disney has done with this movie, and, as a Disney passholder, I can't wait to see what they do with it at the parks. I could totally see this be an EPCOT highlight. A nice revamp to the imagination area perhaps? I know I want my picture taken with Baymax!

Oh, and by the way, if you go see it, which you totally should, Keep an eye out for the wonderful Stan Lee. He's in there somewhere.

Disney's Big Hero 6 Soundtrack available

I attended this movie for free for the purposes of completing this review. All opinions expressed are my own. This site uses affiliate links.


  1. I'm not a huge movie watcher - but this is one movie I do want to see. I might even venture out to the theater to see it with my daughter :)

    1. This one is definitely worth seeing in the theater!

  2. I have seen the commercials for this movie and it looks like so much fun. I can't wait to see it. We don't have little ones any more, but we still love to go and see the Disney movies.

  3. This movie was so amazing. I loved it so much.


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