Every Mother Deserves a Chance At a Healthy Pregnancy. #Commit2Deliver

I was 17. I had just found out I was pregnant and I was scared about how my parents would react. I called my stepmother for advice in how to break the news to my father. As I sat on the edge of the waterbed, my mother ran into my room, ripped the cordless phone out of my hand and began hitting me with it, while screaming that she would make me have an abortion. I pulled my knees to my chest to protect my stomach. With no sign of an end to her rage, I kicked her off me and ran out of the house.

Over the next couple days, my mother's anger continued, though there were no more physical fights, she continued the yelling attacks and emotional abuse. I was presented with an ultimatum of having an abortion or never seeing my, then boyfriend, now husband, again. Neither of these were even options I would consider. I loved my husband, and I looked forward to raising our baby together. I couldn't continue to live in this environment. It wasn't good for my or my baby's health, so I had to make a change.

With only 4 months left of high school, I went to live with my father for the first time. I moved to a new school over an hour away. It was a big change that would bring its own challenges, but what mattered most was that I was in a better environment where my unborn baby girl could grow healthy.

Being pregnant is an exciting but often scary time. Even with the best of situations, we worry about how our baby is developing and if he/she will be born healthy. I was lucky enough to have an option to improve upon my situation and get to a healthier place. I also had the benefit of having good healthcare, nutrition, and education. For many women around the world, moving to a healthier place is just not an option. They don't have healthcare options, and they lack nutrition and education.

I want this to change. Every woman in every nation deserves to have the healthcare and support they need to deliver a healthy baby, and every child deserves for their mother to survive childbirth to raise them and love them. Right now, an estimated 800 mothers and 18,000 young children die each day from preventable causes.

We can change this! We can give women around the world a chance to experience the joy of motherhood, and give children a chance to just be children.

In 2000, world leaders adopted a series of ambitious goals–the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)–including commitments to cut poverty by half, get every child into school, and dramatically reduce child and maternal deaths by 2015.

In this time, many positive changes have been made, but 2015 is here, and there is still much to be done. You can get involved in the discussion and find out how you can help to continue the momentum going at www.savethechildren.net/mdg500

We know that investing in mothers works. Maternal deaths and child mortality in the most challenging countries of the world are being dramatically cut when efforts are made to improve services for mothers and children. We need to continue invest in women and girls and ensure their protection. Our leaders need to know that this is important. All women and all children regardless of their economic situation deserve a chance. Please don't turn your back on them.

For the 1st time in human history it is conceivable that we could end preventable child deaths & eradicate hunger & poverty #MDGmomentum

We can create change!

disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. I'm a member of Social Good Moms because I want positive change in our world. This site does use affiliate links.


  1. It makes me sad to think that there are pregnant moms that don't get basic care that they need.

    1. I agree. The whole state of women's rights and the lack of healthcare around the world saddens me an dreminds me of just how much I have to be grateful for in my life.

  2. So sad to know some moms don't get they care they need for a healthy pregnancy. Every mom deserves to be healthy and have a happy healthy child.

  3. That is VERY sad that women can't get the basic care they need during pregnancy. Thank you for posting this! It's so great to be aware of what we can do to make a difference!

  4. All pregnant women should be entitled to the basic care they need. It's great that we're getting closer to making this happen.

    1. We are making a difference! Their is hope in the future if we all speak out for what is important to us. Thanks fo rtaking the time to read this.

  5. We take it for granted I think in the US at least I know I have for all of my pregnancies. That you for making us aware.

  6. I agree . Every woman should have the option of having a healthy Pregnancy regardless of her situation

  7. Gosh, I hate what you went through with your mother. I am glad that your dad offered you something better and that things to turned out well for you in the end.

    1. Thank you. It definitely made me stronger an dthough life with dad wasn't perfect, I am very grateful that he was there when I needed him.

  8. I just want to hug you right now. You are right, everyone deserves a healthy pregnancy. I'm glad your dad stood up and let you move in.

    1. Thanks so much! It was not an easy road being a teen mom, but I wouldn't want it any other way!

  9. Thank you for sharing your story in hopes that it will help others realize there are other women who don't have the option of a healthy pregnancy. I am so glad things turned out for you.

  10. I agree that every Mom deserves the chance to have a healthy pregnancy. Your story is very inspiring!

  11. Wow, what a story. You’re brave to share it with us! Every mother has the right to a healthy pregnancy, for sure.

  12. Every woman no matter where they live or where they are deserves a healthy pregnancy. I was almost 20 when I had my first child and had very supportive parents.

    1. So true! I'm always happy to hear of young moms that had the support of their parents. It isn't easy to be a teen mom, to be any age of mom really, but it is a lot easier with support and quality healthcare!

  13. Thank you for sharing your story. You are so right that every mom deserves this chance, and I am so glad you are taking a stand. You are amazing.

  14. How brave are you? You have an amazing story and are clearly a fierce mama bear!

    1. Thank you so much! I would do anything fo rmy girls!

  15. My grandmother always said Health is wealth. I am so glad that people are recognizing that all moms need healthcare for themselves and children.

    1. That is so true! Healthcare for these women an dchildren can truly make a wealth of difference in their lives!

  16. You are so brave for going through with this! You're an inspiration to others.

    1. Wow! Thanks I've never thought of it that way, but if sharing my story can help someone else realize they can make a difference then it is all worth it.

  17. Maternal healthcare is crucially important. It leads to good childhood healthcare.

  18. Sad your mom took that attitude. All women should have the best care possible.

    1. It is very sad. She has missed out on so much over the years because of her view of the world. We still have a very broken relationship.

  19. Great cause. All women need health care as do children.Also women need options for birth control if they choose.


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