A Quick Trip To the Baby Store and Bam! I Was Pregnant!

It seems like I've always known that I wanted to be a mother. From an early age I was playing with dolls, taking care of my siblings, and then I went on to babysitting for neighbors. I was always good with children, and I knew someday I would have my own.

Once we finally realized that we more than just friends, it all seemed to move so fast. We were engaged after 2 weeks of "going together", and soon we would find ourselves on the baby aisle on every trip to the grocery store just admiring all the many baby items. We would talk about our plans for a big family and how fun it would be to have a baby to buy all these toys and clothes and stuffed animals for. We talked about names, and nursery colors, we started putting aside stuffed animals for our future children, we both wanted a baby of our own to love and spending time in the baby sections of stores became one of our favorite things to do.
A couple months later, we found out we were pregnant, and I felt like "Oh my gosh really?! Okay, well, I'm not quite ready, but let's do this!". I was still in school so it may not have been the best timing, but we knew we were in love, and we knew we wanted a baby, so we would just figure out the rest.

We didn't have to use anything to help us get pregnant. It seemed to just kind of happen. We looked at baby stuff and Bam! Pregnant! It was just that easy! 

I think a lot of the reason it was so easy that time, was because we were living a stress free life and were just having fun together. We were so young that we were still living with our parents so we didn't have any of the financial burdens that would come later on and while we were wanting to have a baby, we weren't actively trying to conceive, we just weren't doing anything not to. 

But, it's not that easy for everyone, or for every time in your life. Sometimes, you need a little extra support in getting pregnant. Astroglide TTC Trying To Conceive may be just the support you need.

Astroglide TTC™ is a specially formulated for couples who are trying to conceive. It supports fertility with adjusted pH levels, and has a consistency similar to your body’s natural lubricant, so it gives sperm the best chance of survival while helping to lubricate your vagina for more comfort.

Each package retails for $12.99 and contains 8 pre-filled disposable applicators for no mess easy use. 

How it works:
  • When trying to conceive, it is vital to provide an environment where sperm has a chance of survival. Environmental conditions are affected by pH levels, osmolality (the concentration of substances like sodium and potassium) and the consistency of egg white cervical mucus. While traditional lubricants may affect these conditions and inhibit sperm motility, studies have shown that Astroglide TTC is compatible with sperm, oocytes and embryos and allows sperm to move freely.
  • TTC is specially formulated with adjusted pH levels, compatible osmolality and a consistency similar to that of your own cervical mucus, making it less likely to hinder sperm motility than traditional lubricants.TTC also contains galactose, which is found naturally in semen, as well as fructose, the main source of energy for sperm. 
  • Like all Astroglide products, TTC also temporarily relieves vaginal dryness during sexual activity
For more information regarding Astroglide TTC™, fertility support, and where to buy please visit the TTC homepage.

Astroglide TTC™ sponsored this blog post. The opinions and text are all mine
