Tuesday Tribute- Fall Indulgence

Today, is Tribute Tuesday, so I'll pay tribute to my favorite fall indulgence: Halloween!

I love Halloween and everything that goes with it. The candy; chocolate, candy corn, bottle caps, caramels, all of it. ♪I want Candy♪ (The Strangeloves)

I still love Trick or Treating. It is so exciting to walk up to a door that you would never have a reason to knock on, on any other day. you say 3 little words and you walk away with a treat. What a great tradition! 1 year when the girls were young we went to a door with their light on, and the guy didn't know his light was on, had forgotten all about Halloween, (how do you forget about Halloween) and felt bad that he didn't have any candy. The girls looked up at them with their sweet little faces, and he asked "Do you like pudding?" "How about snack cakes?" We left with both, and the girls thought he was the "coolest!"

I love dressing up. The excitement of figuring out what you'll "be." Putting together the perfect costume, and especially doing so with minimal money spent! Of course, my kids don't appreciate the cheap costumes so much. They would much rather buy a pre-made costume then have Mom dress them in Dad's clothes, and say they're hobos or scarecrows! "but you'd look so cute" I say to a response of rolling eyes. Where's their imagination?!

Of course, I also love the Halloween sounds and music. Everything from screeching doors, to howling wolves, to The Monster Mash ♪He did the Mash, he did the Monster Mash...it was a graveyard smash♪ (Bobby "Boris" Pickett)
(can't you just hear me singing in my best Dracula voice?)

So here's to you Halloween
for all you do
to make me scream
for smiling faces
all adorned
to pumpkins full
of candy corn
I love the creepy
scary sounds
the ghouls and goblins
all around
so here's to you
and all you do
you are a scream

Want to see more of today's Tuesday Tributes, check out Mayhem and Moxie


  1. Mmm... candy! ;)
    I remember, as a kid, how much fun we always had trick or treating and then going home to make candy trades and deals. ;)

  2. I could not agree more i love Halloween! Great tribute!

  3. In Des Moines, children have to tell a joke before they get candy. Researchers have said (according to a recent article in the Des Moines Register) that this is unique and no one else does it. It started in the 30s, I think. It's fun.


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