Wordless Wednesday- Gimme Shelter

Not just a thing of beauty, but a shelter of defense for what's within.
♪Oh, a storm is threat'ning my very life today, If I don't get some shelter, Oh, yeah, I'm gonna fade away♪
(Rolling Stones)
♪Crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal...My walls are closing in♪
(Linkin Park)
♪All in all it was just a brick in the wall♪
(Pink Floyd)


  1. I like monotones of this one. Nice job.

  2. Didn't you tell us last week in Dear Prudence to shed our skin, or shell, or let down our guard, or something similiar?

  3. I get by with a little help from friends! From our home to yours Happy Thanksgiving.


Thanks for stopping by! sing me a song.