Aloha Friday, Did High School Make You Who You Are?

The kids here in Florida are back in school. My oldest has made it through her first week of college classes, and my youngest is getting back into the groove of what will be her last year of High School. This got me thinking of when I was in High School. I hated homework, but loved going to school. I loved picking what clothes to wear, and meeting your friends between classes. I knew I didn't have all the "right" clothes and I certainly didn't fit in with the "popular" kids, but I made the most of it, and had fun with it. It's funny how when your in High School, it seems like it's your whole world, but then after high school you can go years without ever talking to the people that were such a big part of your life. Back then the worst punishment was to be told I couldn't be friends with someone, and, now we're not even friends on Facebook, and that's perfectly okay. If I think of who I was in High School, and who I am now, I'm so very different, yet in many ways the same.

This leads me to this week's question:

Do you think who you are now, was shaped more in your high school years, or in the years after school?

another turning point, a fork stuck in the road, time grabs you by the hand, directs you where to go, so make the best of this test and don't ask why, it's not a question but a lesson learned in time... (Green Day)


  1. years after for sure, high school just seems so unimportant now but at the time it seemed important

  2. Definitely the years after (and there have been many Lol!)

    Seriously, living life has shaped me more than anything. The ups and downs, but more than anything, deaths of loved ones, my marriage and the birth of our daughter. I hardly remember high school.

  3. Differently not! I was wild in high school. I think the army had the biggest influence on me. I learn how to survive and how to not be a jerk;)

  4. Becoming a parent has actually shaped me more than anything else.

    Have a great Friday!

  5. I'd say that high school helped with my core values and personality but adult life streamlined it.

  6. I think High School definitely had an impact on my overall person. Cass Tech in Detroit it's a great school!

  7. High school years didn't shape me much but taught me a few things. I was strong.

    The after years is teaching me wisdom about life

  8. Definitely the years after high school - but Maryann said it perfectly! :)

    School Lunch - What Are You Packing?

  9. Yep, me too! Definitely the years after school. I had too much of a change in my life that were not my dreams then the way they turned out, and I had to toughen up over-night.

  10. Definitely in the years after! I was in my prime and went straight into the music world.

  11. Definitely the years after. High school was fun but I think collage and the real world really shaped me.

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