Music Monday, Laughing in the Face of Monday.

I was jolted awake this morning by the garbage truck. "Oh crap I'm late for work!"
"Oh, never mind I'm on vacation." I laid back down.
"Oh crap, I'm late for Music Monday!"

Happy Music Monday! I'm hoping to start your week off with a few laughs with the theme of funny songs. If you can laugh on a Monday you're sure to have a good week!

A classic Jim Stafford song performed with Dolly Parton.

I just love Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show. They have a southern rock sound with a sense of humor. If you like this be sure to check out their album 'Sloppy Seconds'.

And, finally some Star Wars funny with the help of Lego...Weird Al sings 'Yoda'

Have a great week!



  1. I liked the video with Dolly & Jim Stafford, really cute! What a spectacular way to begin a new week with lots of smiles & laughs! Thanks for adding to our fun with your song picks. Have a delightful musical week, and we'll see you again next Monday! ^.^

  2. Oh loved the Dolly Parton and Jim Stafford song, too! I have never heard the last two, but I just thought that Yoda song was too funny. Nothing like Weird Al to make a weird song.

    Royalegacy Reviews & More

  3. That always happen when you are on vacation ;) Glad you could relax again.

    Oh and you can always pre post your stuff. Just do it in schedule :)

    Love your list!

    Enjoy your vacation!


Thanks for stopping by! sing me a song.