Music Monday, Getting in the 80's Mood

It's Music Monday! Woohoo! This week I'm going to an 80's party, and I don't have a thing to wear! Like oh my gosh seriously?! Like totally!

Since Monday is my day off, and I've got school every other night this week, I'll have to get my shopping done today! I'm going to hit up a few thrift stores, and hopefully find just the right thing. I may need some inspiration so...I'll be listening to some music to get me in the 80's frame of mind. Here's a couple that you may hearing blaring out of my car.

Have a fabulous week!



  1. Now you know I'm a really big fan of Bon Jovi so babes you totally ROCK! Great pick too! Thanks for joining us & have a rockin' week!

  2. Great 80s picks! That was a good era for some of music's best! Thanks for joining us on Monday's Music Moves Me, my friend!

  3. Great picks!
    Thanks for sharing girl! :)


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